Anime Facts Pt.1

Did you ever watched anime and wondered why the characters have big eyes? Super colorful hair? Excessive nosebleed? Well I have the answers to all your questions right here! I’ll be going over some anime facts that you may not know and that I personally didn’t know before. Enjoy 🙂


Why do anime characters still use flip-phones?

Well in Japan, touch screen types of phones such as ”Apple” and ”Android” are extremely unpopular. It can be pretty shocking to westerners viewers as touch screen phones are really popular among them. But that’s not the case in Japan, that’s why mangaka and anime programmers respect the Japanese tendency and use flip phones in their work.

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Why do people in anime get random nosebleed?

The nosebleed represent the attraction for another person. For exemple, if the main character sees a cute girl or someone he finds attractive, he’ll most likely get a nosebleed to represent his blood pressure rise and/or sexual arousal.

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Why do anime characters have weird hair colors?

In Japanese animation, hair colors have a specific meaning that can be related to the person’s personality. For exemple, if someone has red hair it would mean that generally they’re pretty aggressive, ”hot-headed” and feisty/dynamic. It does describe Erza Scarlet pretty well 😉 . If you want to know more about hair color signification, I recommend you go check out Anne’s Anime Blog article on the subject.

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